Showing posts with label obese. Show all posts
Showing posts with label obese. Show all posts

Overweight and Dying - Mummy Stay With Me A Little Longer

Overweight, fat, obese, overweight, happiness, happy porker, depression, bulge, anxiety, size, hospital treatment, diet., ways to lose weight fast, Scientists have now discovered that skeletal frame humans are more vulnerable to bouts of anxiety than that of oversized happy porkers that at the time of study were found to be less prone to depression in their recent research.
Then in the same article a snippet revealed how a 16 year study stated that slim people are more confident and content, surely this is a great factor for happiness

Snack Ideas For Kids That Won't Wreck Mom's Diet

BMI, body, children, diet, dieting, diets, health, healthy, index, kids, lose, loss, mass, obese, obesity, recipe, recipes, snack, weight, weightloss,
If you are a mom at home on a diet, you will probably related to a frequent situation I encounter as a weight loss consultant. Many of my clients with children are able to keep to a healthy eating plan through most circumstances except two. It all starts to go astray when the kids come home from school, or when they are preparing school lunches.

It's no surprise really. Kids love snacks we buy
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